Mark Scheifele, Ron Hainsey, John Tavares, James van Riemsdyk, and Conor McDavid are all set to have significant roles among the NHL’s Return to Play Committee.
According to TSN News, the NHL’s Return to Play Committee has offered prominent roles to several major players and NHL figures. Mark Scheifele, Ron Hainsey, John Tavares, James van Riemsdyk, and John Tavares will all sit amongst the committee, and help make decisions regarding the 2019/2020 NHL season’s future. Hockey fans all over North America are hoping for some sort of finale to the regular season, as well as some sort of Playoffs. All of which will be up to the committee that several high profile players now sit on.
Tavares went ahead and told reporters that he accepted the role offered to him by the committee because he has first-hand knowledge regarding what would make players comfortable and ready to hit the ice once again. Tavares believes that he’ll be able to give a voice to the voiceless during this COVID-19 pandemic. Because there are so many players that aren’t able to sit among the committee, Tavares plans to speak for them all. He went on to say that the overall health and safety of everyone involved is of utmost significance, and he is more than happy to do his part in the decision making process.
The NHL’s Return to Play Committee has reportedly already met twice via virtual meetings. As of now, the plan is for the committee to continue meeting virtually, at least once every week. Although Tavares did say that hockey and other sports are not and should not be the priority right now, the committee plans on doing its best to give NHL fans some sort of conclusion to the regular season.
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