Previously we have reviewed best badminton rackets for the players. Now, we have collected all the badminton rules set by The Badminton World Federation.
1. Clue:
1.1 The track must be a rectangle drawn as in the diagram (except case rule1.5 ) according to the measures indicated.
1.2. The lines should be easy to distinguish and preferably white or yellow.
1.3.1. To indicate where the correct speed flyer falls (rule 4.4 ) when tested, four additional 40 mm stripes can be drawn within each side line for the individual set of the right service box, 530 mm and 990 mm from the bottom line.
1.3.2. When drawing these stripes, their width must be within the measurements given; the stripes should be 530 mm to 570 mm and 950 mm to 990 mm outside the bottom line.
1.4. All lines are part of the area they determine.
1.5. Where the lack of space does not allow a track to be drawn for the doubles game, a track can be drawn only for the individual game as indicated in the diagram. The bottom lines also become the long service lines and the posts, or the bands that represent them must be on the sidelines.
2. Poles
2.1. The poles must be 1.55 meters high from the surface of the track. They must be firm enough to remain vertical and keep the net tight as stipulated in (rule 3 ), and they must be placed on the lines of the doubles game as indicated in the diagram on the left.
2.2. Where poles can not be placed on the sidelines, some method should be used to indicate the position where the sidelines pass below the net, for example with the use of thin posts or cloth bands 40 mm thick, fixed to the lines of a band and that rise vertically to the cord of the network.
2.3. In the track drawn for the doubles game, the posts or cloth bands that represent them must be placed on the sideline for the doubles game regardless of whether a game of singles or doubles is played.
3. Network.
3.1. The net should be made of thin rope of dark color and of equal thickness with a mesh not less than 15 mm or more than 20 mm.
3.2. The network must be 760 mm wide.
3.3. The upper part of the net should be bordered with a 75 mm white ribbon folded in half on a rope or a cable that passes through the tape. This tape rests on the rope or the cable.
3.4. The rope or cable must be of sufficient size and weight to be stretched firmly at the level of the posts.
3.5. The distance from the top of the net to the surface of the track should be 1,524 meters to the center of the track and 1,55 meters above the sidelines for the doubles game.
3.6. There should be no space between the ends of the net and the posts. If necessary, the entire width of the net should be tied at the ends.
4. Steering wheel
The steering wheel can be made of natural and/or synthetic materials. No matter which material is made the steering wheel, the characteristics of the flight should be generally similar to those of a steering wheel with natural feathers and a cork base covered by a thin layer of leather.
Taking into account the following principles:
4.1. General design
4.1.1. The steering wheel must have 16 feathers attached to the base.
4.1.2. The feathers can have a variable length of 64 mm to 70 mm, but in each flyer, they should measure the same from the tip to the end of the base.
4.1.3. The tips of the feathers should form a circle from 58 mm to 68 mm.
4.1.4. The pens should be secured firmly with a thread or other appropriate material.
4.1.5. The base should be:
- From 25 mm to 28 mm in diameter.
- Rounded end
4.2. Weight.
The steering wheel should weigh from 4.74 to 5.50 grams.
4.3. Synthetic feather shuttlecocks.
4.3.1. The skirt, or simulation of feathers in synthetic materials, replaces natural feathers.
4.3.2. The base is described in rule 4.1.5
4.3.3. Measurements and weight must be as in rule 4.1.2, 4.1.3, 4.2
4.4. Proof of the steering wheel.
4.4.1 To test the steering wheel, a full stroke made with the hand under the shoulder is used, which makes contact with the steering wheel above the bottom line. The steering wheel should be struck at an upward angle and in a direction parallel to the belt lines.
4.4.2. A correct speed flyer must fall not less than 540 mm and not more than 990 mm from the opposite bottom line.
4.5. Modifications.
As long as there is no variation in the general design, speed and flight of the steering wheel, the aforementioned specifications can be modified with the approval of the interested participating Association:
4.5.1. in places where atmospheric conditions due to altitude or climate make the normal steering wheel inappropriate; or
4.5.2. if there are special circumstances that make it otherwise necessary for the benefit of the game.
5. Racket.
5.1. The surface to hit the shuttlecock must be flat, and consist of a design of crossed ropes connected to a frame, or interlaced alternately or linked where they cross. The model of the string must be in general uniform and in particular not less dense in the center than in any other place.
5.2. The frame of the racquet, including the handle, must not exceed 680 mm in total length and 230 mm in total width.
5.3. The total length of the head should not exceed 290 mm.
5.4. The total length of the string must not exceed 280 mm in total length and 220 mm in total width.
5.5 The racket:
5.5.1. must be free of added and outgoing items, except those used alone and specifically to limit or prevent wear or vibration, or to distribute weight, or to secure the handle to the player’s hand with a rope, and to be of appropriate size and placement for the purposes; Y
5.5.2. it must be free of any mechanism that makes it possible for the player to fundamentally change the shape of the racquet.
6. Approved equipment
The International Badminton Federation (IBF) decides the question of whether any racket, shuttle or prototype that is used to play badminton is in accordance with the rules or otherwise approved or not for the game. Such a decision may be made by the initiative of the Federation or the request of any party with a genuine interest in this aspect, including any player, team manufacturer or participating Association or member thereof.
7. Players.
7.1. ‘Player’ refers to all those who take part in a match.
7.2. The game must be played, in the case of the doubles game, by two players per side or, in the case of the singles game, one player per side.
7.3. The side that has the right to serve is called the server side and the opposing side is called the side of the receiver.
8. Draw.
8.1. Before starting the game, the opposing sides must draw and the side that wins the draw must choose the option in any of the following rules:
8.1.1. to take out or receive first;
8.1.2. to start playing on one side of the track or the other.
8.2. The side that loses the draw must then choose the option that remains.
9. Tanteo.
9.1. The opposing sides must play the best of three games unless otherwise agreed.
9.2. Only the side you draw can add a point to your score.
9.3. In the doubles game and the male singles, one game wins the first side that gains 15 points, except as stipulated in RULE 9.5.
9.4. In the women’s individual game the first side wins 11 points, except as stipulated in RULE 9.5.
9.5 If the score reaches a tie at 14 (10 in the case of individual women), the side that first scored 14 (10 in the case of individual women) has the possibility to choose:
9.5.1. continue the game up to 15 points (11 in the case of female singles), thus not making any changes to the game; or
9.5.2. Play the game at 17 points (13 in the case of female singles).
9.6. The side that wins a game takes off first in the next game.
10. Change sideways.
10.1. Players must change sides:
10.1.1 at the end of the first game;
10.1.2. before starting the third game (if any); Y
10.1.3. in the third game, or in a game of a game, when the forward score reaches:
- 6 in a game of 11 points.
- 8 in a game of 15 points.
10.2. If the players stop changing sides as indicated in (RULE 10.1 ), they must do so when the error is discovered, and the score is as it is.
11. Take out or service.
11.1. In a correct serve:
11.1.1. neither side should unduly delay the service;
11.1.2. the server and the receiver must be inside diagonally opposite serve frames without touching the sidelines of these serve tables; part of both feet of the server and receiver must remain in contact with the surface of the track until the service is given (rule 11.4 );
11.1.3. at the beginning, the server’s racket should hit the base of the steering wheel while the whole steering wheel is below the player’s waist;
11.1.4. at the moment of hitting the steering wheel the handle of the racket must point downwards to such an extent that the entire head of the racket is visibly below the whole hand that has the racket;
11.1.5. after the start of the serve, the movement of the server’s racket should continue forward until the service is taken; Y
11.1.6. the flight of the steering wheel must be upwards of the racket of the server so that it passes over the network in such a way that it falls in the table of serve of the receiver if it is not intercepted.
11.2. When the players are in position, the first forward movement of the head of the server’s racket is the beginning of the serve.
11.3. The server must not serve before the receiver is ready, but the receiver will be considered ready if it tries to receive the service.
11.4 . The serve is made when, once started (RULE 11.2 ), the shuttle is hit by the server’s racket, or the shuttle falls on the ground.
11.5. In the doubles game, the pairs can be placed in any position that does not impede the vision to the opposite server and receivers.
12. Individual game.
12.1. Players must draw from, and receive in, their respective draw tables rights when the server has not won any points or has won an even number of points in the game.
12.2. Players must draw from, and receive in, their respective left serve frames when the server has won an odd number of points in the game.
12.3. If points are requested in the game, the total number of points earned by the service is used to apply RULE 12.1 and RULE 12.2.
12.4. The steering wheel is hit alternately by the server and the receiver until a foul is made or the steering wheel ceases to be in play.
12.5.1. If the receiver makes a fault or the steering wheel ceases to be in play because it touches the surface of the track inside the hallway of the receiver, the server earns a point. Then the server serves again from the other service box.
12.5.2. If the server makes a fault or the shuttle ceases to be in play because it touches the surface of the court within the punch court, the server loses the right to continue with the serve, and the receiver becomes a server. No player wins a point.
13. Doubles game.
13.1. At the beginning of a game, and each time one side wins the right to draw, the serve must be taken from the right side of the field.
13.2. Only the receiver can receive the serve: if the shuttle touches, or is hit by, the partner of the receiver, the side that draws wins a point.
13.3.1. After receiving the serve, the shuttle is hit by any player on the server side, and then by any player on the receiver side and so on until the shuttle is no longer in play.
13.3.2. After receiving the serve, a player can hit the wheel from anywhere next to this player’s net.
13.4.1. If the receiving side makes a foul, or the steering wheel stops being in play because it touches the surface of the track inside the receiving side, the side that draws wins a point and the server returns to draw.
1 3.4.2. If the side that takes a foul, or the steering wheel stops being in play because it touches the surface of the track inside the side that takes out, the server loses the right to continue with the serve, and neither side wins the point .
13.5.1. The player who withdraws at the beginning of any game must draw, or receive in, the right serve box when that player’s side has not won any points, or has won an even number of points in that game; if he has won an odd number of points he pulls out of the left serve box.
13.5.2. The player who receives at the start of any game must receive in, or draw from, the right serve box when that player’s side has not won, or has won an even number of points in that game; if he has won an odd number of points he pulls out of the left serve box.
13.5.3. The opposite applies to couples.
13.5.4. If points are requested in the game, the total number of points earned on one side is used to apply RULE 13.5.1 and RULE 13.5.3.
14. Service errors.
14.1. An error was made in the service when a player:
14.1.1. has taken out of turn;
14.1.2. has pulled out of the wrong serve box; or
14.1.3. that is in the wrong serve box, being ready to receive, and the serve would have been made.
14.2. When an error has occurred in the service, then:
14.2.1. if the error is discovered before the next serve, a replay will be made unless only one side is at fault and the point is lost; in that case the error is not corrected.
14.2.2. If the error is not discovered before the next service is taken, the error is not corrected.
14.3. If there is a repetition due to a service error, the game starts again with the error corrected.
14.4. If a service error is not corrected, the game must continue without changing players’ position (or, if appropriate, the new serve order).
14.5. In the doubles game, the pairs can be placed in any position that does not impede the view to the opposite server and receivers.
15. Fouls
It is a fault:
15.1. if the serve is not correct (rule 11.1 )
15.2. if the server, trying to get out, does not hit the steering wheel.
15.3. if, when taking out, the steering wheel is hooked in the network and it is suspended above, or after passing over the network it is hooked in the network.
15.4. Yes, while it is in play:
15.4.1. falls outside the boundaries of the track;
15.4.2. go through, or under, the network;
15.4.3. it does not pass over the network;
15.4.4. touches the roof, the roof or the side walls.
15.4.5. touches the body or clothes of a player; or
15.4.6. touches any other object or person outside the immediate vicinity of the track; (if necessary due to the structure of the building, the local Badminton authority may stipulate, subject to the veto right of its national association, local rules dealing with cases where a steering wheel hits an obstruction).
15.5. if, while in play, the first point of contact with the shuttle is not on the side of the player’s hitting net. (However, the player can follow the wheel with the racket over the net during the stroke).
15.6. yes, when the shuttle is in play, a player:
15.6.1. touch the net or its supports with the racket, the body or the clothes;
15.6.2. invades the opponent’s court with the racket or body except as allowed in RULE 15.5 ; or
15.6.3. obstructs an adversary; for example, it prevents him from playing a legal blow when the shuttle is followed with the racket over the net.
15.7. if, while in play, a player purposely distracts an opponent with any action such as shouting or gesturing.
15.8. if, while in play, the flyer:
15.8.1. it is retained and held in the racket, and then thrown during the execution of a stroke.
15.8.2. he is hit twice in a row by the same player with two strokes;
15.8.3. is hit by a player and the player’s partner successively; or
15.8.4. touches a player’s racket and continues to the bottom of that player’s court.
15.9. if a player is guilty of serious, repeated or continuous infractions under rule 18.
16. Repetitions.
“Repetition” is said by the referee, or by a player (if there is no referee) to stop the game.
16.1. A repetition may occur for any unforeseen or fortuitous event.
16.2. If a flyer is hooked on top of the net and is suspended above it or, after passing over the net, it is hooked on it, it is a repetition with the exception of the serve.
16.3. If the receiver and the server commit a fault at the same time, it is a repetition.
16.4. If the server takes out before the receiver is ready, it is a repetition.
16.5. If during the game the steering wheel is disintegrated and the base is completely separated from the rest of the steering wheel, there will be a repetition.
16.6. If vision is denied to a line judge, and the referee can not make a decision, there will be a replay.
16.7. When a repetition occurs, the game since the last serve is not valid and the player who served draws again, except where rule 14 applies .
17. Steering offside.
A flyer is out of play when:
17.1. hits the net and is held there or suspended above;
17.2. hits the net or a post and falls towards the surface of the player’s hitting court;
17.3. hits the surface of the track; or
17.4. a fault or a repetition has occurred.
18. Continuous play, bad behavior, punishments.
18.1. The game must be continuous from the first serve until the end of the game except as allowed by RULE 18.2 and RULE 18.3
18.2. A break is permitted that can not exceed 5 minutes between the second and third games of all matches in all of the following situations:
18.2.1. in international competitive tests.
18.2.2. in tests authorized by the IBF. ; Y
18.2.3. in any other party (unless the national association has published in advance a decision not to allow such a break).
18.3. When circumstances beyond the control of the players need it, the referee may suspend the game for a period deemed necessary. If the game is suspended, the score is as is and the game is continued from that point.
18.4. Under no circumstances can the game be suspended to allow a player to recover his strength or breath, or to receive instructions or advice.
18.5.1. With the exception of the breaks provided in RULE 18.2 and RULE18.3 , no players are allowed to receive advice during a game.
18.5.2. With the exception of the completion of a match, no player may leave the court without the referee’s permission.
18.6. Only the referee can decide any suspension of the game.
18.7. A player can not:
18.7.1. purposely cause a suspension of the game;
18.7.2. deliberately alter the speed of the steering wheel;
18.7.3. behave in an offensive manner; or
18.7.4. Be guilty of misconduct not covered by the Badminton rules.
18.8. The arbitrator must interpret any violation of RULES 18.4, 18.5, 18.7.
18.8.1. giving a warning to the guilty side.
18.8.2. giving a fault to the guilty side, having been previously warned; or
18.8.3. in case of serious violation or continuous violations, giving a fault to the guilty side and immediately denouncing the referee judge (Referee), who has the power of disqualification.
18.9. If an arbitrator has not been appointed, the official responsible for the organization has the power of disqualification.
19. Judges, field officers and claims.
19.1. The referee is totally in charge of the tournament, or the test to which a party is a part.
19.2. The referee, when appointed, is in charge of the match, the court and his immediate surroundings. The referee must inform the referee judge. In the absence of an arbitrator judge, the referee must inform the official responsible for the competition.
19.3. The service judge must point out the service failures made by the server when they occur (RULE 11 ).
19.4. A line judge must indicate whether a flyer is inside or outside.
A referee must:
19.5. Enforce the badminton rules and, in particular, signal a foul or a replay if either of the two occurs, without the players being able to protest.
19.6. make a decision on any claim regarding a matter in dispute, if it is made before the next service is taken.
19.7. ensure that players and spectators are informed of the development of the game.
19.8. appoint or dismiss line judges or a service judge, after consulting with the referee judge.
19.9. not to annul the decisions of line judges or a judge of service in matters indicated by them.
19.10.1. If another track officer has not been appointed, make arrangements so that their responsibilities are fulfilled.
19.10.2. if a play is not seen, the referee must make a decision or the point must be repeated.
19.11. decide on the suspension of the game.
19.12. write down and inform the referee judge everything that happens in rule 18 ; Y
19.13. bring to the arbitrator any appeal on matters of the rules only. (Such appeals must be made before the next serve is taken or, at the end of the game, before the side that appeals has left the court.)